Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2016

What are the hottest and the coldest French lotto numbers

Check out the hottest and the coldest French lottery numbers based on the historic French lotto results analysis. You can use the data to boost your lottery winning chances in this game.

The hottest numbers: 29, 11, 36, 23, 36, 9

The coldest numbers: 30, 5, 1, 13, 35, 43

Most common pairs: 3 - 23, 4 - 41, 18 - 23

Most common triplets: 5 - 21 - 26, 6 - 12 - 24

Most common quadruplets: 2 - 4 - 36 - 44, 5 - 25 - 27 - 41

Most common pairs: 7 - 8, 19 - 20, 23 - 24

Most common triplets: 19 - 20 - 21

Freitag, 22. April 2016

Three is a magic number

You would love to win the huge lottery prize and change your financial situation for life, wouldn't you? Many people believe that winning the big lottery prize is something fantastic and impossible. And you know they are rightly only partly. Everything depends on the angle you view the question. There is nothing impossible and there is always a chance even though it is very small. On the other hand winning the lottery jackpot is really something fantastic as far as it is only 1 chance in 290 millions in USA Powerball, for instance. Isn't it impressive and fantastic. Yes it is and again not impossible. 

That is why there so many people striving to win the lottery big. This goes both about winning the big money and becoming that special individual, one in millions as well as winning everything or nothing. This lottery essence is rather engaging. No wonder that this form of gambling has been popular for centuries.

Thinking these issues over I decided to try my luck too. First those the our national European lotteries. Every time I went outside Germany I bought a lottery ticket in the countries I visited. But what about the overseas game like Powerball or Mega Millions with the jackpot exceeding those in the European lotteries several times. Luckily I found out the these segment of entertainment industry is widely represented on the web by the online lottery agents like IceLotto review

As it turned out, no matter whether you play online or over-the-counter  you will have to do the same thing: choose the numbers and hope they will match those drawn by the lottery machine.

So my first online lottery choice was USA Mega Millions lottery. Today will be my third try in Mega Millions and this time I am going to play at PlayhugeLottos review They say three is a magic number! Wish you luck too!